We came to NW AutoCenter after spectacularly bad service at another local shop. Our 2003 Saturn VUE was making a disturbing humming sound from the back tires. There was a horrible smell coming from under the engine. The other shop sent us home with a seven page invoice of recommended repairs, and no explanations.Jeff at Northwest AutoCenter was kind and patient as we explained our situation.  Given the car's age, we weren't sure the repairs needed would take the car more than another few months. In less than two hours, Jeff called back and confirmed what repairs were needed--the right rear wheel bearing did need to be replaced (it was a safety issue) and oil was leaking onto the timing belt, causing the smell, overall weakening the belt, and of course being a big mess.We decided, based on the anticipated cost of repairs, it was time to retire the Saturn. There's more to this story, but I can't thank or laud Northwest AutoCenter enough--when it comes time for our "new" used car to get maintenance---this is where we're coming.


Stacie S.

Northwest Auto Center
We came to NW AutoCenter after spectacularly bad service at another local shop. Our 2003 Saturn VUE was making a disturbing humming sound from the back tires. There was a horrible smell coming from under the engine. The other shop sent us home with a seven page invoice of recommended repairs, and no explanations.Jeff at Northwest AutoCenter was kind and patient as we explained our situation.  Given the car's age, we weren't sure the repairs needed would take the car more than another few months. In less than two hours, Jeff called back and confirmed what repairs were needed--the right rear wheel bearing did need to be replaced (it was a safety issue) and oil was leaking onto the timing belt, causing the smell, overall weakening the belt, and of course being a big mess.We decided, based on the anticipated cost of repairs, it was time to retire the Saturn. There's more to this story, but I can't thank or laud Northwest AutoCenter enough--when it comes time for our "new" used car to get maintenance---this is where we're coming. Stacie S.